

The Final Shirtless Sunday of the Year

We’ll get to a weekly recap a little later today, then the big yearly recaps begin tomorrow. For now, this Sunday morning is one of our last “regular” posts for the year. There’s no sin in being “regular” despite my penchant for fighting it. Too often we are told we need to do something to set ourselves apart from everyone else, and there is a certain value in distinction. Making that an end unto itself, however, diminishes the power behind an authentic grab at staking an identity for yourself. I know a few people who are doing their damnedest to avoid the standard life of all that’s “regular” in an effort to matter. Because we all just want to matter to someone.

I’ve fallen into that trap as well. Quite a few times, in fact. Every party, every event, every dinner and show – we do our best to make ourselves memorable. We don’t want to be part of the pack, a mere member of the herd. We want to be known, even if it’s just among a select few.

When given the choice between a pair of jeans or a pair of hot-pink pants emblazoned with yellow and turquoise flowers, I will almost always choose the latter. But there is that almost, and it’s an almost that matters more than the usual. Without it, there is no distinction. There is no variety. There is nothing to make the hot pink pants pop so gorgeously.

Even this post, in which I’ve said basically nothing, when I wasn’t saying things that were completely confusing even to me, is a “regular” post. It’s not a recap or a nostalgic recollection or a brand new project announcement or a Tom Ford fragrance review – it’s just some guy droning on about how being part of the mainstream isn’t so bad after all. Especially when a pair of pink pants is waiting in the closet, and a bare-naked blog post is waiting in the pre-populated wings.

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