

The Eyes Lost It

Well, friends, here we are.

My first double-glasses day. 

Never thought it would come to this, but it has. 

While balancing my check-book (because I’m THAT old guy) I realized I have trouble seeing close-up just as much as I have trouble seeing at a distance, so I popped an extra pair of reading glasses on top of my prescription and it worked. 

My vision has been substantially deteriorating at an ever-quicker rate. These last few months especially I’ve noticed a marked decline – so much so that I am going to put readers and eyeglass chains on my Amazon wish list so I have a pair for every room and every restaurant I frequent. It’s utterly ridiculous. 

Thankfully, the utterly ridiculous has always suited me, and if I have to become the old lady at the office who peers over rims of multiple spectacles so be it. To the manner (sic) born. (If we’re being honest, I always wanted to be that lady.) My career aspirations were largely based on Juno in ‘Beetlejuice’ and I’d say it’s been accomplished

As for this double-decker of glasses, such is the point in life where I find myself: mostly unbothered, somewhat amused, and a little frightened of where this might be headed.

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