

The Divine Diva’s Schedule

Having just started posting 2005’s ‘Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale‘ I thought I’d give a little technical scheduling note for those already annoyed at it: strap on for the long haul, as I’ll likely be posting this well into spring, perhaps beyond. I’m not doing one big cum-dump of posts like some lame guys who shoot their wad way too early – this one will be deliciously and decadently drawn out so as to elicit every last gasp and groan. An edging session that has already lasted twenty years long…

This is also more than a simple re-posting of something you’ve seen here before – yes, a few of the images have appeared in these parts (hello infamously-immortalized blue Speedo) but the bulk of this project has never before been posted, and more than that, there are numerous photos that didn’t make it into the original tour book because it was a physical entity with physical limits – we now have this online outlet to put it all out there (with some judicious editing to hide the more extreme naughty bits, or highlight them per my whim).

I’ll try to schedule most posts for the weekend, when we need to embrace and lean into our escapes, finding fun where fun can be found in such perilous times, but I’ll sneak a few into the weekdays as well; part of survival means having to find the fun when it’s least expected. You find the fun and – SNAP! – the job’s a game! When I’ve segued into Mary Poppins, it’s time to end the post.

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