

The Dark & Wee Small Hours

An early riser, I’ve always been one to get up long before I actually need to get up in order to get into the offie on time. Part of this has been to allow for the mental preparation required for a baseline introvert to simply face a bunch of people, part of this has been to get some writing and website work done, and part of it, at this stage in life, is simply older age. So here I sit at the dining room table, right at the 5:46 AM mark, having already put my contacts in, made a cup of matcha, and lit a couple of candles. 

The only sound is the heater kicking on, this being the most frigid of mornings thus far this year, and my own clicking on the keyboard. On some days I will meditate to begin the day, but not today. 

Today I will sit quietly and listen to my breathing, perhaps reading a bit from ‘The Book of Hygge’ by Louisa Thomsen Brits (gorgeous little book if you’re looking for a calm read). I will watch for the first gray shades of light to grow brighter in the sky. Maybe I’ll make myself a second cup of tea, something different – hot and comforting to stave off the morning chill. And, most definitely, I will sit with myself, being alone with myself and attending to the joy of being quiet and still – the every best way to begin a new day. 

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