

The Calm Before the Holidays

I had not quite made up my mind to start giving into holiday music and mayhem when my brother and nephew visited earlier today. On this sunny Saturday of November, when Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, and Christmas songs are already plastered over the radio, I decide to stop fighting and indulge in the season. It’s an early start, but it will burn slowly in these first few days. My Mom stops by a little later, with an early gift in tow, so it seems this was indeed the time to begin.

A scarlet cinnamon sandalwood candle burns in the middle of the dining room table, and a cozy batch of fennel chick peas warms on the stove. Butternut squash awaits roasting in the kitchen, and a quartet of strings plays ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ in the background. A six-pack of Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale chills in the fridge (if I’m going to get into beer, it’s going to be through pumpkin flavoring). It is a perfectly-pre-holiday moment. I will finish up the holiday cards today (all that remains is putting a last touch of blood on the envelopes – you’ll see…) and then the first stages of holiday prep work will be complete. It may not seem like a lot, but I’m doing the little things earlier to have more fun later. In the words of that great lady Mrs. Peacock, “I am determined to enjoy myself!”

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