

Swimming Beneath the Cherry Blossoms

Following my own foolish pontification is not something I usually do. It’s fine to fill this space with empty words when I’m looking for filler, and my friends who know my voice know when my heart’s not in it. Just kidding – my friends don’t even visit this place, and if they do they certainly don’t admit it. There would be too much guilt associated with such displeasure. I’m digressing… which happens more often the older I get. A concern upon many concerns. 

Back to the pool, which Andy had heated as an early treat, to capture one of those elusive sunny days that dared to climb into the 70’s and flirt with the 80’s. Every day counts when summer can be so fleeting. Andy had already been in once, and after a few days of him encouraging me to take the first dip of the season, I gave in – because when you have a chance to swim beneath a blooming cherry tree, you should always do it – especially if the day is beautiful. 

So in I went, after a day of work and worry, wading into the water for the first time this season, in quiet and unheralded fashion, the way the months have passed since last summer, the way they will pass through this summer. Some years are quiet like that.

PS – The featured GIF is not the product of any filter or special effects – it’s the magical reflection of the sun bouncing off the pool water and lending its traveling, mottled light to the cherry blossoms. 

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