
Sunday Tea Dance

Sunday Tea Dance once meant something vastly different than it means to me now, but that feels a world away. Today, Sunday tea is a very literal ceremony of having a simple cup of tea and mindfully sipping it slowly and quietly. On a Sunday. 

This is a day meant for slowing down and being mindful. A day for meditation and contemplation. A day for stillness. A day for quiet. 

A day for necessity. 

The art of a proper tea ceremony is far too complex and involved for me to ever research and pull off now, and I don’t feel the need to explore that fully. Sometimes it is enough simply to find a small moment of mindfulness in a day that too many of us pack with weekend activities, trying to finish whatever we might have started yesterday. That detracts from the purpose of Sunday. 

And so I stop to sip from this cup of tea. A delicate and earthy green tea, it sits without fanfare on the tongue, going down gently without screaming its presence, and I adore that unassuming simplicity. Every sip is a path, every lifting of the cup a journey. We travel together around the globe without leaving the home. 

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