
Summertime Begins

A sigh, now, at the onset of summer, and perhaps a little PTSD from the last sad summer we had. This one begins in the midst of a mini-heatwave, a proper start to the proceedings, and a reminder of sultry summer days past. Extreme heat does something different to the soul. It suspends things, slowing the world in stultifying fashion, as if it were the only way to survive. It’s summer’s way of warning us not to move too quickly through her beauty. Savoring the days, no matter what they may bring. 

Along those lines, our summer theme is entirely of the moment – ephemeral and fleeting and fabulously frivolous – the best things a summer can be. This shall be our Coquette Summer, as we have already promised with loads of Laufey and a preponderance of pink. While she is certainly bewitching, our song of the summer comes from Orville Peck, who recently made a very naked splash to christen the sunny season in hot and sweaty format

Catch ’em by surprise andChasin’ the horizonNothing holds me down
Askin’, “Where the time’s gone?”Dreamin’ with the lights onTryna keep your eyes onSomething along the rise

You and IBide our timeAnd IMiss summertime

The Coquette Summer is casual and breezy and like the old-school Crystal Light commercial that used Enya’s ‘Orinoco Flow’ to such wondrous effect. Summer is specific to every individual that way – my summer memories likely won’t dovetail with yours, though elements may be primally connected. A toast to that – to all of the things that summer means to all of the people – and let’s do it with a mocktail recipe as depicted here. 

Catch him on the run, theyPunish those who love youngNever right on time

Summer is a collection of myriad moments and moods, some disparate and disconcerting, some wholly fitting and embracingly comforting. It’s a song playing on the rickety old CD player by the pool, it’s a sudden rainstorm that sends the birds scattering, it’s a slumber in the attic for the kids because there is no more school to be had. It’s a road trip on pavement so hot that only the car’s AC will save you, a stand of water irises whose yellow blooms reflect upon still water like the flames of a multitude of candles, a rabbit munching on a patch of grass  – a rabbit that you don’t bother to shoo away because you’d rather not be bothered with mowing the lawn. 

Watch each other fallin’Always catch the call andWhistle while we’re walkin’Something inside me dies

Summer is a party, whatever constitutes a party these days. Gatherings of friends, whose hunger is always fueled by swimming – because nothing seems to fuel hunger more than swimming – are satiated by Andy’s expertise with our new grill, as piles of burgers and hot dogs and grilled vegetables mount on platters and plates carried in by willing children. 

You and IWhy? Oh, why?And I miss summertime

Summer is flowers and gardens and trees and grass. It winds its way around the heart like a vine that sleeps and creeps and leaps like most vines do. Summer is beautiful and insidious, a poisonous nectar that goes down much too sweetly, without any warning of tartness to hint at its sinister aspects. And it’s all so pretty no one seems to mind or question it. 

Summer unassailable.

Keep on rockin’, babyKeep on risin’ on the tide(Somewhere along the rise)

This summer is designed to be dreamy and romantic and coquettish in the most modern manner, giving in to the sumptuous opulence that frilly pink frivolity occasionally aims to achieve. Summer is meant to be silly.

And carefree.

Son of a gun and maybeWe’ll be riding all night(Something inside me dies)

Welcome to summer, and welcome to you, my dear friend, for whom I write this and share these photos. Summer is about friendship too, and sharing the days, whether they are sunny or rainy, still or stifling. High school may be over, but we’re still all in this together. 

You and I (you and I)You and IBy and byAnd II miss summertime
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