
Summering Echoes

The forecast calls for temperatures in the mid-70’s today, which feels strange but not at all pleasant for November. The longer we can stave off the colder weather, the shorter our winter may seem. At least, I’ll hold the thought. And enjoy the leaves, and the sky, and the colors.

The maples and oaks have put on a wonderful show this year, and it’s been one that has lingered. Unlike some years when rain and wind rip it all away before it can even be seen against an elusive blue sky, this season we’ve had day after beautiful day. I’ve done my best to soak it all in before the inevitable brown and gray deluge. 

Such warm temperatures echo summer days, and when I’m home during the day I will always step out at some point in the afternoon, just for a moment, to breathe in the air and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. Inhabiting the beauty of a day, especially when it’s least expected, is a key component of mindfulness – and happiness. 

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