

Summer Weekend Recap

Henry James thought that there was no finer pair of words than ‘summer afternoon’ – but, as I often do with his writing, I also take issue with that statement. ‘Summer weekend’ has a much lovelier ring to it. This past one was just about perfect in every way. Our house was filled with dear old friends, and some youngsters, the weather was sunny and hot, and the pool was a perfect 85 degrees. I didn’t want it to end. None of us wanted it to end. Yet that is the very thing that makes a memory most happy. One last look back over the week that led up to it.

A bit of lace, fit for a queen, came in the form of this classic summer flower.

An unorthodox choice for Hunk of the Day, James Corden proves that Hunkdom comes in all shapes and sizes.

A more traditional Hunk was gay Australian bob-sledder Simon Dunn.

As we near August, we approach my 40th birthday. For better or worse…

Speaking of which, here’s an entry for my upcoming birthday wish list: Jack cologne by Richard E. Grant.

Derek Yates was crowned for a second time, while Scotty Dynamo and Danny Perez, Jr. popped their Hunk cherries.

Cuteness to the extreme.

My half-naked turn as the naked chef.

The promotional push for the New Tour ~ ahem, the Final Tour ~ began in earnest.

This shall be The Delusional Grandeur Tour: Last Stand of a Rock Star.

And you will Surrender.

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