

Summer Goes to Seed

As the last summer holiday fades into memory, and the grass heads go to seed, it is time to acknowledge the indomitable approach of fall. As much as I eventually came around to this summer, and as glorious as the weather has been, I think I’m ready.

Fall always reenergizes the system. The lackadaisical leisure of the hot and steamy months gives way to the crisp new order of cooler nights and brisker days. New seasons of school and television signal new beginnings, and sometimes the return of old favorites with new twists. It is a time to reinvent. I love that sort of thing. Autumn is evolution in action.

While the bombast of summer blooms on the surfaces seems to wane, there are actually just as many pops of color waiting to explode. Fall is more about texture too, as seen in the feathery fronds of this ornamental grass. The sky is at its bluest at the start of fall, and in the asters and mums come some of the brightest colors the temperate season has to offer. (And we haven’t even gotten to the fiery-hued gourds yet…)

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