

Streaming By

Inspired by the water-like imagery induced by this music, this glimpse of a stream provides a visual framework for this Friday morning post. Musically, scroll down a bit to find something by Karel Barnoski from his ‘Tiny Telephone Sessions’. The first weekend of November is already at hand. Not quite ready for it, I’m in the process of re-introducing meditation into the daily routine, and I need it more than ever. Up to about 15 minutes every other day, I find it easier to slip into the focused slow breathing, and that sacred space of peace and stillness. It’s just enough to take the edge off of the day. 

For a sleepy Friday morning, before we set the clocks back, this extra pocket of time provides another moment to pause and regroup. Sitting on a bank beside a stream is an apt metaphor, as the water flows by, but the stones and the trees remain stoic and still. Grounded by the earth, the motion of the stream would not matter were it not for the bed beneath it and the banks beside it. 

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