

Stepping into a Recap, Sans Shirt

The pool steps are complete, so I’m keeping a tentative wish that our pool redux is finished sometime before July slips away. I’ve been keeping in the cool quiet of the indoors during these hot and humid, but stepped out and stepped up to pose for some empty pool pics (or pool carcass as Wanda Copernicus so aptly described the current environs of our backyard). On with the recap…

Hot pink summer wilderness.

An incredibly sad picture of Andy.

Petunia panache.

A Tiny Thread found.

Summer head trip.

Some stillness & quiet.

Disregarding the rules for some beautiful music by Rufus Wainwright.

Once upon an empty pool.

Frolicking in a pool carcass

Our summer look-back at Projects of the Past continues with 2018’s ‘PVRTD’

Ending the weekend with some floral fireworks. 

Hunks of the Day included Ken ScrevenNicholas PetriccaValton JacksonMaarten HurkmansNick Cannon and Cody Rigsby.

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