

Snow with Staying Power

After a whirlwind, bang-up shopping expedition (five bags of which I dropped off in the car), it was time to head back to the condo for a photo shoot and an early night. The side streets leading home were still enchanted by the snowfall.

This was a strange bout of snow that still clung to signs and trees days after it had fallen, even in the face of biting winds. I was grateful for that, to be able to catch what I might otherwise miss.

The entry-way to my street was framed with arching boughs holding snow. It creates a magical effect, matched only by the bright cherry blooms of spring that lend the same overhead wonder.

A bare dogwood tree to the right also carries its snowy load, like clouds hanging low in the sky. It is a frigid beauty, one that exemplifies the icy crystalline structure of all this snow, frozen in place with Winter’s numbing clarity.

The sun goes down over Southwest Corridor Park. Night will soon follow. And though the nights are brighter in the snow, there is a deeper sort of darkness in the Winter.

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