

Shazam! My Doppelgänger?

Every once in a while someone will say I remind them of some celebrity that bears absolutely no resemblance to me whatsoever. I’ve been likened to Keanu Reeves, Justin Long, and – most inscrutably of all – Jean Claude Van Damme. (The latter was when I was in the Philippines and everyone seemed to relate things to every American action-movie touchstone.) Most recently a couple of co-workers and a longtime family friend have said that this TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Homegoods commercial’s lead is my spitting image.

It’s Zachary Levi, who has been a Hunk of the Day here, so I’m not at all mad about the comparison, even if I don’t quite see it. The outfit, yes. I would totally wear that, and have been seen in strikingly similar garb. The facial hair, guilty too. Or maybe it’s just his outfit below that has people confusing him for me.

At any rate, there’s nothing upsetting about the comparison because he’s a handsome bloke, and a few years younger than me, so I’m happy to accept it. All apologies to Mr. Levi.

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