

Shangri La

Despite my propensity for silk robes, leisurely activity, and bar lounging, I am, at heart, an adventure-seeking boy. It explains my unlikely love for the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy, ‘Adventures in Babysitting’, ‘The Goonies’, and anything involving a journey of some kind. It’s also the main reason for the restlessness of my heart. Satisfying all those terms is the book I’m currently reading, ‘The Heart of the World’ by Ian Baker. Detailing the search for the magical Shangri-La of Tibet – a storied waterfall region that promises both physical and mental transcendence – it is also a spiritual journey, steeped in Buddhism and grounded by adventure.

So far, it is pure escapism – the perfect antidote for the previous few days of stalled spring. A lit candle, a comfortable conversation couch, a free hour or two – luxuries all, and the greatest luxury in the world – a good book.

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