

Saying a Little Prayer

At this time of the year, my weekly pilgrimages to Faddegon’s are the only thing keeping my plant-loving soul alive. Starved for greenery and life as we await the slow-to-come end of winter, I whisper a prayer for an early spring, or at least a respite from the winter weather we’ve had of late. Speaking of prayers, the stunning foliage pictured here is from the prayer plant, a tricky plant I won’t even attempt, as much as I love the way it folds up its leaves at night as in prayer, giving it the common name. They are rumored to be too finicky for my basic plant care routine, and the spider mites love them, so I just need the stress. 

They remain, however, ravishing, as you can glean from these glimpses. The mottled pattern and varying shades of green of their leaves look like a visual essay on painting – a vital jolt of beauty while the outside world remains gray and brown and barren. 

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