

Sad Summer Recap

It was a week of sadness and sorrow, hatred and anger, and I’m not sure why this recent tragedy is hitting and me in a different, more profound way than others of its kind. As is my wont to do in such situations, when I don’t know how to deal with the funk that has settled over me and the world, I turn to the simple things that ease the burdens. Family, friends, beauty and calm – and this week was the result of that.

Luckily, I had Ogunquit to look back on, its whimsies and enchantments intact.

There was also the weekend of Pride before it went dark, and this fun outfit. (With matching shoes.)

Suzie always cheers me up, and this post was proof of that.

The sweet perfume of the mockorange lent its own balm to the week.

My husband and the mustang.

My Dad on his day.

My friend Skip is another cheering influence, as was the recap of this year’s Boston Red Sox game. (Be sure to read Part 2 too.)

As always, there were Hunks: Dalton Jackson, Seth Sikes, Josh Sabarra, Colin Cunliffe, & Josh Zegarra.

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