

Ripping Through Another Recap

A wonderful weekend has come to a sunny but still brisk close, and I am spent before the work week has even begun. A dinner and show in Saratoga on Friday followed by Skip’s 40th birthday gathering on Saturday made for a fun and filled couple of days. Spring is peeking around the corner. I feel it. I sense its coming. But first, the last week in a  super-brief recap…

It began on a love-filled note, ‘Love, Simon’. 

Still there is snow.

The verdict on making risotto in a slow-cooker. 

And still more snow. 

A fragrance for spring By Kilian: Straight to Heaven. 

Get up on the dance floor!

Dem Beats got me out of my seat. 

Hunks of the Day included Caleb Marshall, Derek Kaplan and Ricky Rebel

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