


New Year’s Day was never one of my favorite holidays. It meant the end of Christmas vacation. It meant the return to the Winter doldrums. It meant a bunch of family had to be endured (and enjoyed, truth be told). And all because of the change of the calendar year. At the very least they could have spaced it out a few months, instead of coming right on the heels of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Yet here it is – another baby to coddle and coo over, hoping that this time, this year, we can make it all right, make it all okay, send this one off into the world prepared and perfect, even when history, and every other year, tells us differently. We are resilient creatures, if a bit foolish, but it’s all we know, and we still do the best we can do. When I look back at the year that’s gone, and the year to come, it makes me glad that we are still trying, that we still care. The world can and may crumble around us, but we won’t give up. In a place where cynicism so often gets heard above all else, I offer this quiet whisper of hope to start us off. I’ll do my best to keep you entertained, if you’ll do your part to keep me safely grounded.

Happy New Year.

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