

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few…

Pleated pants.


Feathered hair.

Any clothing from International Male.

Platinum blonde crew cut and purple eyebrows.

Gold chains worn earnestly.

Writing love letters to guys before the first date.

Writing love letters to guys after the first date.



Being callous.

Gauze. [See also International Male above.]

Hating on Anderson Cooper.

Hating on anyone.


The fourth martini.

School glamour shots

That poet’s shirt.

Well, any poet’s shirt.

Not visiting my uncle when he got sick.


Fighting instead of listening.

Planting a cherry tree in the middle of the backyard.

Failing to invest in the internet.

Taking a wrong turn in Rochester and hitting the curb.

The goatee.

But then again…

Non, je ne regrette rien.

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