
Red Against Blue

The striking combination of these red Japanese maple leaves against a sky of blue shows just how wonderfully these color can work together. Would that we could take a lesson from nature and allow our own differences and beliefs to co-exist so beautifully, and so harmoniously. It’s disheartening to see a country, and a world, so ruinously fractured, and over such stupid things. I will choose to focus on beauty and goodness and truth, and all come together in the fall show put on by this Japanese maple tree. 

It’s glorious how November has, thus far, decided to enchant and illuminate its beauty. Too often it shrouds these views in mists of overcast haze, dim and rainy days, and storms that pull such prettiness from the sky far too soon. I feel enormous gratitude for the blue sky shown here, for the brilliant scarlet of the leaves set off by the sunlight, and for the gentle slope into the holiday season. 

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