

Recap Fortified by an Extra Hour

The magic and mystery of Daylight Savings. What did you do with your one extra hour? I’m spending mine going over this recap for you. Everything that got posted in the last week, all in one convenient post for your reading pleasure, or otherwise. Shall we begin, Mr. Hart?

The week was mostly about promoting my new PVRTD project (and all the ass shots that have nothing to do with the project itself but are fun because it annoys everyone and their mothers). The Press Release is here (ass shot included). The promotional interview (with all the requisite tooshie pics) begins here.

Tomorrow we vote. Here’s what we are up against. 

I model my office behavior on Juno. 

The conundrum of Halloween

… solved by the perfect costume for this point in my life. 

November dreaming goes deep. 

Beautiful Scars by Madonna: the rare non-noteworthy Madonna Timeline entry. 

It was a week of frying.

The perverse thrills of a onesie made out of netting. (Ass shot warning!)

The perfect song for the extra hour. 

Tacos of the sea

The second part of the PVRTD Promo interview is posted here. (Where you can debate what constitutes ass-coverage when netting is involved.)

Follow the threads back to the beginning. 

Shawn Mendes showers in his trunks (but a shirtless Shawn Mendes is better than no Shawn Mendes at all). 

The third part of the PVRTD Promo interview gets rather ghostly, but I’ve not given up the butt-shots just yet

Hunks of the Day included Vanilla Ice, Ronnie Woo, Diego Arnary, Sidharth Malhotra, Brian Sims and Joshua Morrow

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