

Rainy Recap

After a weekend in Boston, I find myself drinking a cup of green tea on a rainy Sunday night, and conjuring a quick recap. This week is a short one, work-wise, as we’ll be making our annual Columbus Day excursion to Ogunquit. Basically, that’s where my head will be at for the next few days, so things here may be even kookier than they usually are. But before that, a look back at the turn into October.

Rather than go back a month, I thought it was more interesting to go back a whole year and see where things were in September 2012.

I’m still addicted to Madonna.

FaceBook had its moments, and I had mine. (Yes, I will go full-frontal. Wait for it.)

Keeping things warm as we closed the book on September was the parade of Hunks, that continued with triple-threat Sam Harris, the naked backside of Chris Hemsworth, all three Jonas brothers, and Paco Leon.

Fall is a time for foodsnacks, and full-fledged dinners of sea bass. And zucchini.

Two words that say hot and sexy: David Beckham.

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