

Rainy Monday Recap

After a glorious weekend, it seems the weather has caught up with the general sentiment of the sane and humane people of our country. These are dark times, my friends – a worldwide pandemic rages on, the rights of women are being stripped and set back fifty years, and one whole political party would rather see guns available to all than safe and affordable healthcare. Whenever the world deals us a blow against human rights – and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community I have personally felt more than a few of them over my lifetime – I tend to turn to my chosen person, hunker down in our home, and shut the outside world out. So it was that we spent this weekend by the pool, working in the gardens (mostly watering to keep things alive in such heat) and watching a movie to lighten the mood (in this case it was ‘Spotlight’, the one about the Catholic priests who molested thousands of kids in Boston). On with the rainy recap…

Do you remember how we used to live?

A song for a summer night, because music hits differently in the heat. 

A summer friend returns

Little drops of sun on the ground

Finally enough love, but never enough Madonna. 

A trio of summer smiles

Because Pride still matters – perhaps now more than ever. 

Lulled by the sea and drawn by the undertow of downtime, this year’s BroSox Adventure was everything Skip and I wanted it – and needed it – to be. 

Speaking now or forever hold your rights.

An old love rekindled. 

A simple but divine summer dinner

Dazzlers of the Day included Billy Reilich and Fabio Bonavento

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