

Rainy Day Frag

My cologne preferences are largely influenced by season and atmosphere. Of late, I’ve had to delve deeply into the rain fragrances. For the spring/summer season, on those days that get a little wet, I’ve always preferred the Hermes Jardin scent ‘Un Jardin apres la Mousson‘ – loosely translated as the garden after a monsoon. It’s sweet and light, when you need something brighter to cut through the humidity, but nothing too heavy and cloying that might linger and erupt beyond its intended effect.

With all the rain lately, these little olfactory accessories prove one way of injecting some brightness and happiness into the otherwise-drab days. If we’re going to be locked in a cycle of bad weather, we might as well smell good when dealing with it.

These droplets of water captured on the car window do have a certain prettiness to them. This water of life is also giving our gardens a good start. After the rainstorm is not an entirely-awful place to be.

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