

Rabbit Face-Off

The other evening Andy and I arrived home to these two rabbits engaged in a stare-down in the small patch of lawn next to our driveway. They didn’t bolt when we pulled in, too consumed with their focus to even move when I got out of the car and moved closer for these pics. I’ve always admired that sort of intensity, even if it feels slightly out of place with summer’s relaxed vibe. (Let’s not pretend I haven’t had my moments of summer intensity. Summer cuts both ways like that.) 

As for this pair, they’ve been providing fun photo ops like this all season – and I think they may have produced a few ultra-adorable offspring that we are leaving to their own devices as long as they keep to the grass and weeds and leave the more cultivated plants alone. A dangerous bargain indeed, animals not outwardly conveying true honor or understanding of the deal, especially when night comes and we can’t scare them off. 

Maybe one of them is the grown version of this little cutie. Circles among summer circles.

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