

Putting on the Sparkle

Some days it’s harder to go through the motions than others. The energy just to get out of bed has gone, the effort to trudge through another work day has dissipated, and the thought of putting on a fancy outfit for a night out is all but unthinkable. But you do it – we all do it – because what are the alternatives? Tom Ford once claimed that when he’s having a bad day he puts on a decent suit and tie and it perks him up. I like the idea of that.

Tomorrow is the annual Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Celebration Benefit for the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York, and it’s the day I traditionally get all gussied up in some outlandish outfit worthy of Mr. Blackwell’s List. This year, though my heart isn’t quite as into it, I have a fun combo planned, inspired by the simple design of a disco ball, and that’s all I’m going to say about it for now. I’ll put it on and hope it lifts the spirits a la Mr. Ford.

With this event, my holiday season is officially in full effect – whether I’m ready for it or not. Deck the Halls, Ring them Bells, and Fa-La-La-La-La—La-La-Dee-Da.

As Dame Maggie Smith uttered so drolly in Gosford Park, “Why must one do these things?”

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