

Projected Inspiration

Sometimes you never know where or when the inspiration for a new Project will strike. Most of my writing ideas hit me while I’m in the shower – a rather inconvenient place to jot down a lightning bolt idea of genius, and probably the reason why I lose so many of them. Other times they’ll appear in a dream, and at 4 AM I’ll make a bargain with myself to write it down after five more minutes of sleep, and so I lose some more. This new one came on the eve of spring, in the midnight hour when by rights I should have been fast asleep, but was instead glued to the lap-top trying to program all these posts that have been appearing miraculously while I’m in Boston (magic!) It’s not something I’m going to go into now (we are, after all, in the midst of a year-long Project that is flying blissfully under the radar (1,2,3…)) and so I’ll simply direct you to The Projects currently posted here. The accompanying photo is reminiscent of ‘The Circus Project‘, even though it was actually used in ‘The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale‘ – which has yet to be posted here because the world can’t handle me in bad drag. Not yet. (Some projects are best left unseen.)

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