

Preparing For Summer Break

Last summer I took my first break from daily blogging in over a dozen years.

It was heaven, even it wasn’t for forever.

I’m doing the same thing this year, extending it from June 20 (or so) into September. That means we’re less than a month away from our big summer break! I don’t use exclamation points lightly around here, so you know this is exciting for me.

It is my intention to do a few sporadic update posts this summer, particularly when whispers of a new Madonna song carry on the wind. I also like the random surprise nature of such a thing, when there’s the likelihood that only a few people will happen upon these unplanned posts. There’s a pleasant aspect of whimsy in the unexpected.

When we return in September, there will hopefully be a reenergized vibe, as there often is upon getting back into the groove after time away. I’m also working on a new project that should be ready for unveiling by late fall (and simultaneously eyeing the project after that, which is how I work best). All in all, this is a time of anticipation – the greatest time of all.

There are a few summer highlights to which I’m looking forward: the world premiere of the ‘Moulin Rouge’ musical in Boston, and my annual BroSox adventure with Skip, also in Boston. In addition, Andy and I celebrate our 18thanniversary in July, and I’ll have yet another birthday in August (already lost track of which one…)

The rest is happily unplanned and unplotted, as befits the season of lounging.

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