

Pre-Birthday Recap

When your birthday falls on a Wednesday, and it’s your 47th, it doesn’t really feel all that special, so I’m preparing for a bit of a wash this week. A blah birthday for a blah pandemic year. Thankfully, this summer has proven to be anything but blah, and I’ve just returned from a wonderful weekend in Boston with my friend Kira. Much more on that adventure to come – for now, feast your eyes on the links below, and the week that came before… 

For the armpit lovers: touching me, touching you.

Madonna shares my birthday month, but she’s a Leo and I’m a Virgo. We are the worst of sun signs, in my personal opinion, but we do leave an indelible impression. 

Fading remnants of a supermoon, and a song fit for lunar exploration, or just plain lunacy. 

August adventures with the Ilagan twins

Finally, finally enough love ~ for all the Madonna-lovers. 

Muted vacation visions of the past and future

Summer of rainbows.

Family photo fun.

A precious friendship that goes back over two decades

A moment of maple calm

Verdant mindfulness

Dazzlers of the Day included John Fetterman, Katie Porter, and Kevin Aviance.

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