

Praying for a Sunny Recap

Our first full week of April has come and gone, and if early predictions of temperatures today are correct, we seem to be skipping straight to summer. Ahh, the roller-coaster ride of the Northeast. And they wonder why I’m moody as fuck sometimes… On with the recap!

Simon Dunn exposed his naked ass to get things off to a rollicking start.

The Madonna Timeline returned with a whimper at first, with this unimpressive ditty.



Call me.

Zac Efron and the dreaded camel toe.

Nyle DiMarco exposed his naked ass too. (I’m sensing a theme…)

Spring in a single photograph.

Seth Fornea churned butter in nothing but an apron, and it must have simply melted.

My shirt was on, but my pants were off for a new profile pic.

Say a little prayer.

A few final tour stops.

Holding onto the delusions a little while longer.

The Madonna Timeline returned again, this time in good, old ‘American Pie’ fashion.

The ivy without the poison.

Hunks of the Day included Aaron Lee Smith, Fabio Fognini, Braeden Wright, Guillaume Cizeron, Andrew Harris and Jake Jensen.

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