

Posts Lighter & Fewer Between

Posts may be lighter in the coming days, as focus turns to family and other items, such as summer itself. During previous years I’ve taken the entire summer off from blogging, but as that left me feeling slightly unmoored, I returned to the daily format for my own Virgo-like love of a regimented schedule. When the world around you begins to crumble, a little structure can be a very good thing.

That said, there is something lovely about a lighter posting schedule, and lighter posts themselves. Too often I get bogged down in the weeds here, sometimes just because I can. When no one calls you out on run-on sentences or indulgent photo shoots, you get accustomed to the luxury. Summer is a good time to streamline and edit, and just step away from the laptop for a spell. To that end, I’ll finish up this post and let you carry on with your own summering for the season.

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