
Post-Turkey Recap

After the third day of leftover turkey, I may be ready to move onto something else. Maybe. And we didn’t even have a whole turkey, or a gathering for Thanksgiving for that matter. One day I’ll tell the story of why that was… Oh well, on with the recap of everything we did have in the last week…

A Christmas wish list, by request, as I’m not even in the mood for gifts. (Check the pulse.)

A midnight candle, at a quarter of a century.

Boston still in bloom

Friendsgiving with Kira – Part 1.

Friendsgiving with Kira – Part 2

Happy Thanksgiving, such as it was

Turkey Lurkey time in Boston

Florals at odds with a Black Friday

When Harry met Santa

Tryptophan meditation

Berrylicious Boston

Warm while the wind rages.

Powdered boughs.

Snow-capped hydrangeas.

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