

Post Super Bowl Sunday Recap

Seeing as how I had nothing to do with the Super Bowl this year, last night proved peacefully quiet. Far more exciting were the events of the last week, in which our kitchen was finally completed. There are Before and After shots, along with a series of how we got from there to here (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). But there were other trifles and odds and ends that made up the last week of January, so let’s get to a brief encapsulation.

First up was the preparation for the hottest social event of the winter season – The Gay Soiree. It’s this Saturday, so be sure to order your tickets and plan your outfit, as I’d love to see you there.

What a guy wants… or used to want.

Troublingly, it was a week of nightmares, one of which I tell about here, and another here, and there were a couple that won’t be written about until I’ve processed them.

Madonna made a splash at the Grammy Awards, and I happened to love every brief minute of it.

The Hunks of the Day were male-model-heavy, with the likes of TR Pescod and Francisco Lachowski, in addition to the might-as-well-be-models like Imran Khan and Blake Skjellerup (as a preview of Olympic sexiness to come).

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