

Post Palm-Frond Recap

Ladies and gentlemen and those who have yet to make up their minds, Holy Week has begun! Palms up for the Big JC Show coming your way! Before all that hoo-ha begins, however, let’s have our usual Monday morning look-back at what happened last week…

Hidden paintings on a pinecone.

Shirtless Superman Henry Cavill.

March mocktail madness.

Do not schedule a Zoom call on a Saturday. Please. I only get two days off per week. 

Summer sweet treat.

A dash of spring color.

Fuzzy dangerous

A chartreuse start, Adam & Eve style.

Pricked by the fragrance of hope.

The way back begins anew.

Return of the palms.

Dazzlers of the Day included Jonathan Capehart, Carmie Hope, Pete & Chasten Buttigieg, Eugene Lee Yang, Dionne Warwick, and Lil Nas X.

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