

Post-Egg Recap

It’s Easter Monday, chickens!! We had a tiny Easter Sunday massacre, but I’ll divulge the details in another post. For now, our traditional Monday morning look back on the last week, in case any of you want to hang onto the weekend one wee bit longer. I know I do…

Food glorious food, because it’s almost margarita season.

All my Aprils.

A peek, a warning.

A lavalier…?

Worse than a wedgie.

Floral mayhem.

The rabbit among cacti.

Some rabbits are sexy, some are just dicks.

A New York adventure seeking closure

finds beauty along the way.

A happy ending two decades in the making.

I did not get into a fight at the grocery store. I did not.

Easter was in the air.

And with its arrival, Easter brings terror.

Floral cheer.

Hunks of the Day included Parker Young, Alex Bowen, Alexander Abramov, Matthew Noszka, and George Shelley.

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