

Post-Bunny Recap

Spring returned, went away, came back, then went away again, and if I needed this kind of roller-coaster… well, I will never need that kind of roller coaster, so hopefully Mother Nature knocks it off and gets her shit together. There are pools that need to be opened before another pair of ducks settles in. On with a Holy Week recap… 

Jeepers peepers.

The Ilagan twins turned 11!

Amid rain, spring begins again

Bette Davis in ‘Dead Ringer’.

A pair of cardinals.

Zac Efron’s full-frontal nudity moment

These two came back again

April (snow) showers.

Knocked down, and picked back up.

Tom Ford’s sun burn.

Easter Sunday at last.

No Easter would be complete without this terrible, yet beloved, bunny shot

Dazzlers of the Day included Sean Evans, Tina Turner, Billy Porter, La Verne Ford Wimberly, and Taylor Swift.

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