

Post-Academy Awards Recap

The golden luster of all those little dickless statuettes has hopefully not yet worn off for all the Oscar-winners from last night, but we are definitely moving forward into the next week, as it’s the last one in February. The sooner it’s over, the better. On with one quick look back…

We begin with some scent planning.

Desperately seeking mall solace.

Are my days of tea-bagging at an end?

Erect as a sun dial.

Mike Rickard, living ‘Out Loud.’ 

A shirtless Nick Jonas afternoon delight.

Is that a pipe in Cristiano Ronaldo’s underwear?

Yawning through the Academy Awards

Do follow these #TinyThreads.

Hunks of the Day included Ben Platt, Chris Harrison, Don Benjamin, Jack Muldoon, Reggie Bullock and Tobi Jasicki


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