

Popcorn Follower

Over the last dozen or so years that Skip and I have been going to movies together, we’ve developed a routine that is likely as tiresome and trying to the food vendors as it is comfortable and amusing to us. I will, without fail, ask what decaffeinated sodas they have (it tends to be Sprite or Root Beer, though one time the person serving us said they had iced tea…?) Skip will do his schtick, which is way more entertaining for someone who’s never heard it before than it is to, well, me. By the time we get the extra-buttered popcorn and a Sprite, we’ve made fast friends with the staff selling all the overpriced snack food.

Every once in a while, someone stands out from the long parade of nameless faces that have filled our popcorn buckets, and they’ll remember us as much as we remember them. Enter Erin, whom we had the pleasure of ordering from a few weeks ago, at which point Skip talked up ALANILAGAN.com and my Twitter account. Apparently she immediately started following me and visiting this site. I’m usually too exhausted and tired to do much of anything after a movie, so I never got around to following her until this past week, when we were back in her line and she was admonishing me for not following her. After checking my Twitter, I found her there and instantly returned the favor. You should totally do the same: @ebakes98

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