
Pocket Guide Translator to Speaking Alanese 

A lot gets lost in a text message or email. Subtlety and nuance, tone and demeanor, humor and earnestness – the online forms of communication take all of those vital components of communication away, leaving much room for misinterpretation and misunderstandings that sometimes make for a much clunkier and ineffective means of communication. Some of us don’t make it easy by how we respond to things, and I’m very much as guilty of this as anyone else, so I’ve devised a quick pocket post guide to translate what I may mean at any given time. (Do note that all of these are subject to change on a whim, so use these merely as a guide rather than a bible.) Here we go:

No worries = No worries – it’s all good, wholly devoid of snark or sarcasm 

Sounds good = Completely on board with what you just said, just closing the loop in as friendly a way as possible. Note: this does not require a response, and frankly one would be unappreciated 

Ok = a tricky one. For the most part it simply means ok, without excitement, enthusiasm, anger, or happiness one way or another. If it’s in response to something I’ve proposed or invited you to, there may often be a tinge of disappointment and sadness if you are declining. In what is becoming more common, it may also indicate apathy and genuine lack of care. 

That’s fine = That is fine. 

It’s fine = It’s probably not fine but I’m granting us the option of moving along without further discussion because you won’t want the ensuing discussion

I’m fine = Sound the alarm, light the beacons of Gondor, all hands on dick, err, deck, hide your kids, hide your wives, and be very afraid because I am most decidedly not fine and everyone in my vicinity is likely to not be fine in a very short time. 

[No response] = You’re fucked. Send flowers, send gifts, send a handwritten note on pretty stationary, and then give me some time and space. If I don’t re-engage we were probably never really friends in the first place, or you’ve simply worn me out with whatever it was that merited no response.

These aren’t difficult rules. My language is simple. Let me know if you want to practice.

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