

Plum Crazy

At first glance I thought these blooms were from a plum tree – the dark red foliage bordering on violet, and the small white bursts of petals – but then I thought about this tree in the fall. It has tiny little fruits that most closely resemble a cherry, so I’m thinking it’s a cherry after all. However, the title of the post is too fun to change now. We are all a little plum crazy at this time of the year. 

Located near the downtown Albany post office, this flowering fruit tree (whatever pit fruit it may be) is a happy sight after such a long drawn-out winter. It makes walking the downtown area so much more joyful. Say what you will, Albany has its pockets of beauty if you know where to look, and when. Spring is one of those whens. Downtown can be too. After living in this area for most of my adult life, I find happiness in embracing beauty where I find it.

I also love sending letters in the real mail, and that’s what a post office is for. (They’re also good for keeping cool in the summer. Post offices and banks have the best air conditioning anywhere. Keep it in mind when the days get unbearable come July.)

All these tangents… like some impossible algebra problem. See, I knew the title of this post would work. Even if it had to be forced. Even if I should have stopped writing long ago.

Enjoy the flowers.

Enjoy the fun.

Enjoy the crazy, whether it be plum or cherry.

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