

Out Like A Lamb: A Recap

The time has come for March to depart, and not a moment too soon. This is not a complaint – March has been, for the most part, pretty damn good to me, laying the groundwork for some major changes – mostly good – to kick-start the rest of this spring. More on that a little later. For now, this recap of the eventful last week of the month that came in like a lion and will hopefully exit as softly as a lamb.

We started off with a few Cocks in Socks. Will there be a Part 2 with my own junk front and center? Wait & see…

It turned out that everyone has a ‘Punky Brewster’ memory.

A British ass menagerie featuring Ben Cohen, Harry Judd, and Tom Daley.

Waking up with a woody.

I’m just a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of guy. NOT.

Say a little prayer. Or a lot of them

Our shirtless American hero, prepping for the Winter Festival.

This woman brings out the beast in me.

A pair of birthdays on the same day ~ here and here.

Some were like lions, some were like lambs – all were hunky, including Kevin Selby, Mahershala Ali, Olly Barkley, Kirill Dowidoff, Adam Coussins, and Lenny Kravitz.

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