

Our Week of Thanks Begins With A Recap

Yeah, that’s right, Thanksgiving is at hand.

That’s gonna leave a mark.

It’s too soon.

Why is no one reeeeeeeeeady?

Clearly, some pre-holiday insanity has infiltrated my brain-drain.

Let’s just look back at the last week and see if we can figure out what the hell happened.

My first project in five years, PVRTD, premiered online. Check out The Projects for the latest addition.

A quieter Christmas wish list

The insomniac’s lament.

A fall fragrance by Jo Malone

New New York.

Ben Cohen, Simon Dunn & other foxy gents by Snooty Fox Images

A Boston reunion with an old friend brings the beautiful hints of holidays to come

A fall party at the Cape.


These #TinyThreads will build a tapestry. 

Hunks of the Day included Charles Venn, Jesse Palmer, Morgan CipresStaniel Ferreira, Josh Moore and Doug Armstrong.


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