

Ushering In Our First February Recap of the Season

Here we are, already digging into the month of February like it’s some easy-down-the-throat dessert or dick, both with a creamy surprise at the end if it’s al done right, so let’s just hurry up and get on with it. Here’s your Monday recap, blatant innuendo and all…

We began with some blunt pee talk, because, as adults, if we can’t talk about going wee-wee, what can we talk about?

Taylor Swift continued to polarize, not unlike a certain favored diva featured extensively here. 

When soap gets in your ears, and you power the meaning of the ‘Q’ in Q-tip.

This blog turned 21, but I’m into mocktails now so save your toast for breakfast. Virgins up and easy!

Pistachios and a squirrel

The first winter without my father.

Snow comfort.

What the actual duck?

A gratuitous deep dive for anyone missing summer days in the pool.

Fuzzy flowers.

Drink/link this magic tea, you’ll like it.

Dominic Albano: underwear entrepreneur.

A quest for the best in blandness.

Dazzlers of the Day included Jordan Stolz, George Eads, Shilese JonesJeannine M. Trimboli, Brock Purdy, Trevor Lawrence, and Usher.

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