

One Last July Recap

How sad – we are almost at the end of July! Where did it all go? Personally, I’m not totally unhappy to see it go – tomorrow marks the last day of this terribly-wretched bout of Mercury in retrograde. Lots of crazy shit happened during this one – not the least of which was me almost burning down the kitchen… but that’s another story that need not be told so soon after the fact. Peruse the links below – I’ve included a few extras because this is going to be a light day on the blog. It’s summer. Go out and get it. 

The main event of the week was this Pier 1 Imports pillow debacle. Customer service is dead. So are all the items that Pier 1 puts in redline status.

Andy and I have been together for nineteen years. Don’t do the math. 

The happy cup!


A pretty floral lull.

Roger Frampton is stretching me out. He can do you too. 

Twice bitten, once shy

A perfect summer song by Sia.

Make the tool do the work it was designed to do. 

A summer hunk break.

What kind of person are you?

The day my robe fell apart.

A floral frag fit for a Flower Party.

Once upon a time: a kids-unfriendly fairytale.

Hunks of the Day included Daniele Sibilli, Jack Berges, Rafael Losso, Matt Baumgartner, and Juan Pablo di Pace.

And for further linkalicious fun, in case you’ve missed any and all of this heat-fueled month, check out this Hotsy Totsy Recap, this Perfectly-Mid-July Recap (already so far away!), and this super Hot July Recap

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