

Once Bitten, Twice Shot

Sitting in the waiting area after receiving my second COVID-19 vaccine, I listened to the rain pour down heavily on the canopy above us. Despite the dimness of the day, and the gray haziness from all the rain, there was a tiny spark of hope and excitement coupled with a burgeoning sense of relief and a bit of light on the horizon. This has been such a long time coming, and while it doesn’t fix the world, it will improve my own little space in it. I’ll finally get to hug my parents and go safely inside their house. We’ll get to have dinner with my vaccinated friends, and have them over to talk and laugh and re-connect after over a year apart. We’ll be able to go back to our favorite restaurants, and travel to our favorite cities. We will do it carefully, and within the new rules of safety, taking sensible precautionary measures. The lessons of COVID have not been all bad. 

But for now, for this rainy stretch of days that outwardly feel gloomy and gray,when spring is recharging itself, my heart is leaping a little. 

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