

Of Moose and Men and Bachelor Parties: A Recap

What a long strange week it’s been on the blog. Life is like that sometimes, and my life seems to grow stranger by the day. Time unfolds differently here, when some entries are made weeks after the events chronicled have occurred, or other a few hours after they’ve happened. It keeps readers guessing (and makes it impossible for would-be thieves to know when I’m home, or when my retired police officer of a husband might be guarding the house in my absence.) Anyway, here’s a recap of the week:

I saw a freaking moose on the Massachusetts Turnpike. (I didn’t get pictures because I was driving.)

We said goodbye to summer, not once, but twice.

It’s only a matter of time.

The Hunks of the Day were both sexy and sweet-smelling, thanks to Ugo Monye and Joross Gamboa.

We’re still trying to determine whether this ridiculous Starbucks episode was the fault of the coffee company, or the Price Chopper in which it is housed. Whichever the case, the kinks still haven’t been ironed out.

The infamous Suzie Ko.

A new baby joins the scene, in Washington, DC (the site of this outrageous Bachelor Party.)

One more Hunk of the Day: the bodybuilder whose sexy nude videos leaked, Michael Hoffman, in all his glory.

Last but most certainly not least, Tom Daley took it off in this shameless video.

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