

November Rain Recap

The rain came, cold like it does in the month of November, but there was hardly time to complain about it. There was a shift in the atmosphere, and those throwback days where summer echoed in the sun seem to have disappeared for good this year. Now we wait until they return. It’s dark when I get up in the morning, and dark when get out of work at the afternoon, and none of that makes me very happy. My friend JoAnn was lamenting that, and somewhere in me I found the hope to say, ‘We will make our own light.” So that’s what I’m going to try to do.

Before it got too dark, however, JoAnn threw her annual Fall Party, and it was by all accounts a smash.

November 14 marked StandUp Day, a day honored by Ben Cohen and his StandUp Foundation in a effort to stop bullying and homophobia. A great cause deserves a great front-guy, and Mr. Cohen is certainly that.

Setting up his own warm front was Tom Brady, in a few rare shirtless shots.

As God is my witness, I’ll never go hungry again. After all, tomorrow is another day.

The mightiest oak began as an acorn.

This is a big reason why I need to get back to Boston more.

There is such a thing as a thirty-year-old Virgin.

There was also the time when Madonna was Evita.

The Hunks of November did their work by keeping things hot here, so a big round of thanks goes out to Scott Cullens, Louis Virtel, Olly Murs, Nacer Chadli, Diego Furoni, Christos Birbas and Christopher Marchant.

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