Bad news fellow full-moon dreaders: we’ve got a full supermoon rising on this Friday, September 29, and it’s already fucking things up big-time. It spurred yesterday’s attitude of no-more-fucks-to-give, which looks to continue through the end of the week, and quite frankly I’m not sure how anyone around me is going to handle it. Here’s hoping that no one decides to fuck around and find out, because the finding out this week will be like none you have ever experienced.
A combination of grief, agitation, and uncertainty is a very bad combination indeed. In an effort to re-focus what can often be a manic energy from the full moon, I intend to fly as far under the radar as I can without crashing – a delicate and dangerous balancing act that has proved difficult to master.
{Shout-out to my friend Trish who shared the following song in honor of this week’s theme, and my friend Steve who shared a link on where to find all the missing fucks.}
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